Cure ‘Entrepreneurialitis’:

52 Habits to Earn the FREEDOM you Deserve

An Amazon international best-seller, Damian M. Reid’s book, Cure ‘Entrepreneurialitis’: 52 Habits to Earn the FREEDOM You Deserve, is a must-read for every entrepreneur struggling to find the freedom they sought when they first started their business.

Damian knows that many entrepreneurs begin their journey envisioning a future of FREEDOM, others quest after financial abundance and still others pursue flexibility and the agility to manage what they want, when they want and how they want. But along the way, many of these same business owners end up working longer hours and earning less as a value exchange for their work, all while experiencing less vitality and free time than they imagined.

But it doesn’t have to be that way.

Cure ‘Entrepreneurialitis’ outlines the path, essential skills and key habits in order to live life following your passions, enjoying success and attaining the FREEDOM you deserve.

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